Episode 11 – TestostaCast 2
January 16th, 2006 by Martha
With guests Mike Steward and Triple A
- Shaving. Electric vs. blade vs. laser hair removal. Mike is such a girl. Mike thinks Adam and Paul are pussies.
- Face transplants. 1 Million Brad Pitt faces on the planet.
- What will your cosmetic surgery look like in 40 years? 80 year old women with fake tits. 7-11 your place for fake boobs. Fake boobs free from social security and medicare.
- What type of porn do you like? Meet the Feebles.
- Mike’s fantastic gaming keyboard. Paul’s breast shaped mouse.
- The weekly spam report.
- Paul hates expensive watches. Mike loves them. Adam’s MP3/clock/watch. I can out spend my friends, see my expensive watch.
- Expensive cars. The Mercedes Benz Vision LS concept cars. The Porsche Carrera GT.
- I want sponsorship from a brewery, winery, or a distillery. Or a Tobacco shop.
- WoW. I will start playing after PodcasterCon. Sony fucked me over again. I’m done with SWG. Mike rails against the old SWG economy. Instead of fixing bugs they created “upgrades”.
- WoW vs SWG. Quests. Worlds. Travel. Battlegrounds. Is Mike a corpse humper?
- Mike attacks the Mac! He’s hung up on the video resolution. OSX and Apple, the best OS and hardware on the market.
- Massive Microsoft vulnerability announced. Please wait 11 days for a fix.
- Mike plays games. That’s why he’s a Windows fan, because that’s all Windows is good for.
- Mike busts ass.
- Paul’s mac is actually 5.6 lbs. He lied. Mike was right.
- Windows for games. Mac for everything else.
- There is no industry standard for DRM and no one wants one.
- Mike’s machines is full of spyware and he doesn’t even know it.
- The Sony root kit music CDs. Did they put this shit in SWG too?
- Don’t plug a Windows box into the raw Internet. Don’t use Tiny Soft firewall on your Windows XP 64-bit OS.
- Music by Bottomland: “It’s in the Air”
- Available at Amazon.com
and Apple iTunes Music Store
- Theme music by Audrey Fischer.
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