July 13th, 2009 by pfischer
In the grand tradition of the Internet, I’ve started up a fund to right a wrong. Jared Axelrod is one of the most creative people I’ve ever met. He is simply awesome. About a year ago he purchased my old Apple G4 Powerbook from me. I was really excited at the prospect of him being able to create new and wonderful things to share while on the road.
Unfortunately the laptop screen got broken in an accident a short time later and the machine, while still operational, is anchored to his desktop by a large and clunky monitor. No longer can he create on the go as the universe intended.
So I implore you, please help us get Jared’s laptop fixed. I found a company in California that will repair it for $250. I expect he’ll have to spend between $30 and $50 boxing it up to travel safely as well as for postage and insurance. So I’ve created the ChipIn.com fund for a total of $300 (less PayPal fees). [NOTE: I couldn’t figure out how to have Chipin.com show our donation, so I lowered the original amount to reflect our gift.]
Anything you can spare would be a great help. Please consider give a few bucks to help him get his mobile mojo back in gear. Every $5 or $10 you can spare will get him closer to creating more wonderful things without being anchored to a monitor.
Category: Author, Friends, Social Responsibility, Tribe |
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June 20th, 2009 by pfischer
My friend, Greg Seidman, has released his first game for the iPhone. Circuits, is a cool game where you rotate parts on the board trying to form a circuit before time runs out. I’ve been testing the game for months and I really love it. You can find out more about Circuits here.
The game is addictive. I’ve played it for hours and that’s saying something for Mr. A.D.D. Usually I put iPhone games down after a short time. But not Circuits. Give it a try, I’m sure you’ll love it.
Category: Friends, Gaming, Geek, iPhone |
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May 15th, 2009 by pfischer
Christiana Ellis has a new book available today. It’s her very first book. Nina Kimberly, The Merciless is available today on Amazon.com.
Ms. Ellis has released this free PDF. If you like it, head over to Amazon or your local book store and buy it.
It is also available for the Kindle, Nina Kimberly the Merciless: Kindle Edition
Category: Balticon 43, Book, fantasy, Freebie |
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April 14th, 2009 by pfischer
In each community there is a coming of age ritual that marks the change between childhood and adulthood. In our wonderful podcasting tribe, two youngsters turned 14 and created their own podcasts to mark this momentous event. The first of these is a radio play based in the Star Wars universe written and produced by Spinderfly, a.k.a. Lava Spout.
Consider, if you will, what would happen if you had an obnoxiously perky Sith in training.
Category: Friends, Podcast, sci-fi, Tribe |
December 27th, 2008 by pfischer
You’re intrepid ADDers, Paul and Martha, get together with Grailwolf’s Geek Life hosts Marc and Heather to geekout over babies, TV, movies, and beer. Lazy show notes. It’s a Merry Christmas geek roundup. We catch up on our lives and the things we’ve been enjoying. Big changes ahead for all four of us.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Family, Friends, Geek, Humor, Movie, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
September 9th, 2008 by pfischer
I found a new site recently through my pals on Twitter. Here’s one example of why it’s so awesome.

Category: Humor, Photos |
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August 22nd, 2008 by pfischer
Mur Lafferty has released her novel Playing for Keeps for free as a PDF.
A free book? There’s no such thing as a free book! What’s the catch?
No catch. It’s free. But, Mur asks that if you like it you purchase it from Amazon.com on August 25. She’s making a run on Amazon and really needs us all to pitch in and help her get noticed. She, like so many others, has a book contract now. But podcasting novels are still a new medium for delivery and we need to show the publishing industry that this makes a difference.
Martha and I have read the PDF version multiple time. We help Mur by making the PDFs and doing layout and formatting. We also did a little editing. All of this was to help Mur make the best product possible. We bought the first version of Playing for Keeps when it was self-published on Lulu.com. And now we’re joining her for her run on Amazon and we’ll be buying multiple copies of Playing for Keeps as published by Swarm Press.
Mur has delivered countless hours of enjoyment and encouragement to the pod-o-sphere. She has also inspired and rallied people including me. It is not an exaggeration to say that if Mur wasn’t here I wouldn’t be either. I wonder how many other people to whom you listen, read, and watch are here because they were inspired by Mur Lafferty. I’m guessing the number is larger than you think.
So be ready to place your order from Amazon.com for Playing for Keeps on Monday August 25. Be there! Aloha.
Category: Author, Balticon 41, Balticon 42, Balticon 43, Book, Events, FarPoint Media, Freebie, Friends, Geek, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
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August 17th, 2008 by pfischer
This week the mighty Mur Lafferty and her beloved vintage Jim Van Verth join us to talk books, writing, publishing, and more.
- Dogfish Head 90-minute IPA for Paul
- Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout for Jim
- Ravenswood Cabernet for Mur
- Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, Second Edition: A Programmer’s Guide at Amazon.com

- It was funnier the first time
- Mur’s first fiction novel is coming out from Swarm Press on 8/25
- Playing for Keeps at Amazon.com

- This week we experiment with asking questions from our followers on Twitter
- PROMO: Astral Audio Experience
- Jim’s Essential Math website
- Favorite TV Shows: for Mur, The Office and for Jim The Closer. Together: Heroes or Battlestar Galactica
- Heroes, feh
- Favorite books from childhood
- Dr. Horrible vs Playing for Keeps
- The News from Poughkeepsie
- The Piddler
- The games Jim would bring back from obscurity if he could: Liubo, Shuanglu, and Magic Realm
- MUSIC: Playing for Keeps by The Beatnik Turtle
- PROMO: Playing For Keeps experience. Join us on 8/25 to help Mur make her run on Amazon.com
Category: Author, Beer, BeerCast, Book, Events, FarPoint Media, Geek, Humor, Interview, Podcast, Wine, WineCast |
August 7th, 2008 by pfischer
The force of nature known as Tee Morris and the irrepressible Philippa “The Killer Librarian” Ballantine join us for their last and best Double Trouble interview. Martha and I interview Tee and Pip about writing, life, and all sorts of things.
- Beverage roundup
- Black Adder
- Quantum Leap
- Don’t mess with the librarians
- PROMO: Christiana’s Shallow Thoughts
- PROMO: I Should Be Writing
- Cataloging duels of librarians
- Fear the weeding policy
- Kitties!
- I AM Survivor Dad!
- “The dark goddess must dine on tears!”
- PROMO: Metamor City
- PROMO: Reality Break
- Tee Morris in a barrel
- Double Trouble (links galore)
- Free PDFs have over 50,000 downloads!
- Why haven’t they been Boing Boing‘d?
- Don’t whine Tee
- If you want me to post your PDFs you have to ask me
- If you’re going to buy, please do so on 8/8/08 on Amazon.com
- Getting voice parts for future podcasts of Digital Magic and Pitcher’s Pendant
- Tee and Pip talk about the plots of their upcoming books
- Pip and Tee trapped in the same body
- Erotica a la Carte
- Tee will be organizing live events at Balticon 43
- MUSIC: Girls, Skirts, Boots, Bikes by The Buck Brothers
Category: Author, Balticon 43, BeerCast, Book, Erotica, fantasy, FarPoint Media, Friends, Humor, Interview, Music, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
Comments Off on ADD Cast 061 – Double! No Trouble
August 3rd, 2008 by pfischer
Due to a problem with iTunes I have to put the link to Tee Morris’s book in a separate post. Please see the previous post for all the relevant info.
Category: Balticon 42, Book, FarPoint Media, Freebie, Geek, sci-fi |
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August 3rd, 2008 by pfischer
Category: Balticon 42, Freebie, Friends, Geek |
1 Comment »
July 28th, 2008 by pfischer
Ronnie Blackwell, Lin Harper, Martha Holloway, and Paul Fischer join Stephen Kilbride on a great episode of Tea and Chat.
We discuss writing, podcasting, producing audio books, and Ronnie’s newly released novel Spite.

Category: Friends, Interview, News, Podcast |
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June 26th, 2008 by pfischer
We review the new movie, The Incredible Hulk. Not to be confused with lesser movies of a similar title.
Lazy show notes:
John Cmar
Sci-Fi Laura
Heather Welliver
Marcus Grailwolf Bailey
Greg Wright
Martha Holloway
Paul Fischer
Category: BeerCast, Events, Friends, Geek, Movie, Podcast, sci-fi |
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May 19th, 2008 by pfischer
Paul got interviewed on Stephen Euin Cobb’s awesome podcast, The Future and You.
We talk about Balticon, public safety, wireless broadband, attention deficit disorder, and much more.
Recorded at RavenCon.

Category: Balticon 41, Balticon 42, Friends, Geek, Interview, Podcast, Politics, sci-fi, Science, Social Responsibility |
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May 15th, 2008 by pfischer
A special appearance on Jared Axelrod’s Voice of Free Planet X podcast. Jared has gone daily now. It blows me away to see how he maintains awesome quality every day. I loves me some Free Planet X.
Today: Voices from the Future

Category: Balticon 41, Balticon 42, Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, sci-fi, Science |
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April 29th, 2008 by pfischer

*Opening: Tim Robbins Keynote Address Clip
*There’s some sort of election going on, right?
–Democracy Now
–Mic Check Radio
–AZ Central
–New York Times
*Promo: On The Podcast
*There’s some sort of election going on, right?
*Why should Clinton quit? Well, she shouldn’t.
*Here’s a question for ya.. and yes, it is about gender.
*The big damn gun interview- finally!
*All right, more of a chat, really…
*Paul Fischer visits the spiderhole
*ADD Cast
*Balticon Cast
*Wildlife Photos
*What I’ve Been Listening To:
-Democracy Now on paid military analysts
-CBC Ideas on Excuses
–Metamor City
–Chasing The Bard
-Voicemail(s) from Andy
-enjoy my new outtro- well, it’s the same, but now it has bed music!
-keep listening… you might hear something else! 😉
email: tsdiva@gmail.com
voicemail: 206-337-1026
forum: http://truthseekerscast.ning.com
Category: Friends, Guns, Interview, News, Politics, Social Responsibility |
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April 5th, 2008 by pfischer
This episode stars Sonic Boom, who’s real name has been bleeped many times because her father was too drunk to remember not to say her real name.
Guests include Tee Morris, Marc “Grailwolf” Bailey, Heather Welliver, Brand Gamblin and his girlfriend Allison
- Plug galore – It’s so annoying I’m not giving anyone links, so there!
- I Will Swallow Your Soul
- A little review of Farpoint Convention
- Erin Gray
- Sonic Boom thinks the studio has a revolving door
- Marc’s convenience store sickness
- Burger King chip
- PROMO: Stranger Things
- PROMO: Aliens You Will Meet
- Scott Sigler needs antibiotics: help him with his Infection
- Pimpage/Bell abuse
- More questions for Cthulhu
- Thank you for your service to your country
- Live Calls for Cthulhu at Balticon
- Would you want to see a live Hey! Want To Watch A Movie?
- Stop The Noise!
- Morevi spoiler alert
- Be on the lookout for J.C. Hutchin’s Obsidian
MUSIC: Shoot Him Down by Babylon Bombs
Category: Balticon 42, Beer, BeerCast, FarPoint Media, Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, sci-fi |
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April 1st, 2008 by pfischer
Joe Murphy touched our lives. We remember him on this, the one year anniversary of his death.
Show notes and original post.
UPDATE: [1/8/2011] The original file is gone. I’m sad. I’ll try to track it down later. We still miss you Joe.
Category: FarPoint Media, Friends, Podcast, Social Responsibility |
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March 30th, 2008 by pfischer
This week I am joined by Podcast fans Meagan and Scott Breakall, Chooch from the podcasts Into The Blender & City of Heroes, and Paulette Jaxton. We discuss the impending launch of Scott Sigler’s novel Infected and the opening of Con Season 2008.
Lazy Show Notes
Music: Shoot Him Down by Jenny Beck (@Music.Podshow.com)

Category: BeerCast, Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, sci-fi |
1 Comment »