Archive for the 'Humor' Category
December 27th, 2008 by pfischer
You’re intrepid ADDers, Paul and Martha, get together with Grailwolf’s Geek Life hosts Marc and Heather to geekout over babies, TV, movies, and beer. Lazy show notes. It’s a Merry Christmas geek roundup. We catch up on our lives and the things we’ve been enjoying. Big changes ahead for all four of us.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Family, Friends, Geek, Humor, Movie, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
September 9th, 2008 by pfischer
I found a new site recently through my pals on Twitter. Here’s one example of why it’s so awesome.

Category: Humor, Photos |
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August 17th, 2008 by pfischer
This week the mighty Mur Lafferty and her beloved vintage Jim Van Verth join us to talk books, writing, publishing, and more.
- Dogfish Head 90-minute IPA for Paul
- Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout for Jim
- Ravenswood Cabernet for Mur
- Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, Second Edition: A Programmer’s Guide at

- It was funnier the first time
- Mur’s first fiction novel is coming out from Swarm Press on 8/25
- Playing for Keeps at

- This week we experiment with asking questions from our followers on Twitter
- PROMO: Astral Audio Experience
- Jim’s Essential Math website
- Favorite TV Shows: for Mur, The Office and for Jim The Closer. Together: Heroes or Battlestar Galactica
- Heroes, feh
- Favorite books from childhood
- Dr. Horrible vs Playing for Keeps
- The News from Poughkeepsie
- The Piddler
- The games Jim would bring back from obscurity if he could: Liubo, Shuanglu, and Magic Realm
- MUSIC: Playing for Keeps by The Beatnik Turtle
- PROMO: Playing For Keeps experience. Join us on 8/25 to help Mur make her run on
Category: Author, Beer, BeerCast, Book, Events, FarPoint Media, Geek, Humor, Interview, Podcast, Wine, WineCast |
August 7th, 2008 by pfischer
The force of nature known as Tee Morris and the irrepressible Philippa “The Killer Librarian” Ballantine join us for their last and best Double Trouble interview. Martha and I interview Tee and Pip about writing, life, and all sorts of things.
- Beverage roundup
- Black Adder
- Quantum Leap
- Don’t mess with the librarians
- PROMO: Christiana’s Shallow Thoughts
- PROMO: I Should Be Writing
- Cataloging duels of librarians
- Fear the weeding policy
- Kitties!
- I AM Survivor Dad!
- “The dark goddess must dine on tears!”
- PROMO: Metamor City
- PROMO: Reality Break
- Tee Morris in a barrel
- Double Trouble (links galore)
- Free PDFs have over 50,000 downloads!
- Why haven’t they been Boing Boing‘d?
- Don’t whine Tee
- If you want me to post your PDFs you have to ask me
- If you’re going to buy, please do so on 8/8/08 on
- Getting voice parts for future podcasts of Digital Magic and Pitcher’s Pendant
- Tee and Pip talk about the plots of their upcoming books
- Pip and Tee trapped in the same body
- Erotica a la Carte
- Tee will be organizing live events at Balticon 43
- MUSIC: Girls, Skirts, Boots, Bikes by The Buck Brothers
Category: Author, Balticon 43, BeerCast, Book, Erotica, fantasy, FarPoint Media, Friends, Humor, Interview, Music, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
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May 15th, 2008 by pfischer
A special appearance on Jared Axelrod’s Voice of Free Planet X podcast. Jared has gone daily now. It blows me away to see how he maintains awesome quality every day. I loves me some Free Planet X.
Today: Voices from the Future

Category: Balticon 41, Balticon 42, Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, sci-fi, Science |
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April 5th, 2008 by pfischer
This episode stars Sonic Boom, who’s real name has been bleeped many times because her father was too drunk to remember not to say her real name.
Guests include Tee Morris, Marc “Grailwolf” Bailey, Heather Welliver, Brand Gamblin and his girlfriend Allison
- Plug galore – It’s so annoying I’m not giving anyone links, so there!
- I Will Swallow Your Soul
- A little review of Farpoint Convention
- Erin Gray
- Sonic Boom thinks the studio has a revolving door
- Marc’s convenience store sickness
- Burger King chip
- PROMO: Stranger Things
- PROMO: Aliens You Will Meet
- Scott Sigler needs antibiotics: help him with his Infection
- Pimpage/Bell abuse
- More questions for Cthulhu
- Thank you for your service to your country
- Live Calls for Cthulhu at Balticon
- Would you want to see a live Hey! Want To Watch A Movie?
- Stop The Noise!
- Morevi spoiler alert
- Be on the lookout for J.C. Hutchin’s Obsidian
MUSIC: Shoot Him Down by Babylon Bombs
Category: Balticon 42, Beer, BeerCast, FarPoint Media, Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, sci-fi |
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March 30th, 2008 by pfischer
This week I am joined by Podcast fans Meagan and Scott Breakall, Chooch from the podcasts Into The Blender & City of Heroes, and Paulette Jaxton. We discuss the impending launch of Scott Sigler’s novel Infected and the opening of Con Season 2008.
Lazy Show Notes
Music: Shoot Him Down by Jenny Beck (

Category: BeerCast, Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, sci-fi |
1 Comment »
January 23rd, 2008 by pfischer
I shot a few off hand videos during the awesome New Year’s Party at Cmdln and Andrea’s house. It is our pleasure to give you the song styling of Heather Welliver and Tee Morris.
Tee Morris does an improv version of Dennis Leary’s Asshole song.
Heather Welliver sings. We’re glad someone in this group has a real voice.
Category: Friends, Humor, Video |
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January 21st, 2008 by pfischer
We review the new J.J. Abrams movie, Cloverfield.
Spoiler free and Spoiler laden reviews.
PROMO: Fear the Froot
Category: BeerCast, Friends, Geek, Humor, Movie, Podcast, Review, sci-fi, Wine |
1 Comment »
January 3rd, 2008 by pfischer
Martha & Paul, Heather & Marc
Xmas wrapup
Jared Axelrod’s Avante-Garde Dinner
Slice of Soup
Cocktail of Pot Roast with Cranberry sauce
Recovering from the cookie disaster
Marc and Heather’s Xmas
PROMO: Nocturnal by Scott Sigler
PROMO: Better Late Than Never
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Category: Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, Review, sci-fi |
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December 9th, 2007 by pfischer
Paul, Martha, Tee, Heather, and Marc
Saint Fu (St. Fu)
Old computer games and beer – Bard’s Tail beer, Pong beer, Mech Warrior beer, 7th Son Beer, ADD Cast Beer
The Dogfish Head Alehouse end of year beer tasting
PROMO: Playing For Keeps
PROMO: Asian Variations, a free downloadable music CD
Fox, Futurama, Bender’s Big Score, Commitment, Avenue Q, Muppet sex, High School reunions, Heather’s new doo
Playing for Keeps from Mur Lafferty
Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon
Twitter – Tribe chat room, micro blog, and more
Scott Sigler hasn’t killed me yet!
JR Blackwell has gone indy! She’s quit her pink collar job and she doing some awesome photography.
We’re all just back from seeing Phil Rossi and his family
MUSIC: Black Motorcycle Boots, by Michelle Malone
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Music, Podcast |
November 13th, 2007 by pfischer
Our star packed NaNoWriMo ( National Novel Writing Month ) and NaDruWriNi ( National Drunk Writing Night ) episode. Guest stars Tracy Hickman and Nuri Steinhauer.
Category: FarPoint Media, Humor, Interview, Podcast, Wine, WineCast |
1 Comment »
November 12th, 2007 by pfischer
Another great video from your friends at the ADD Cast.
When night falls, the monster under the bed comes out to eat your toes. But what could possibly cause that monster to want to change jobs? Who is the real monster under the bed?
Watch it on!
Category: Humor, News, Video |
1 Comment »
November 5th, 2007 by pfischer
Lulu TV‘s hit Internet show, This Day in Alternate History (TDAH pronounced Ta-Dah!), was guest hosted on Sunday Nov 4 by your favorite podcast hosts Paul Fischer and Martha Holloway.
In this episode of TDAH, we report from the World Science Fiction Convention in Yokohama, Japan. If you’re a Godzilla fan, you can’t afford to miss this one. Great Godzilla questions will be answered, such as what kind of women he like, his favorite recreation, why he really stomps Tokyo, and who is true love is.
Watch it here!
TDAH is up for The Best Video Blog of 2007. Please vote to help our friends at TDAH continue their rise to fame and fortune.
Category: Humor, Interview, News, sci-fi, Video |
1 Comment »
October 15th, 2007 by pfischer
We needed the sounds of 4 dogs running and barking for Episode 18 of Serve It Cold. But couldn’t find anything like it in our sound effects libraries.
So we setup our recording gear at Cmdln’s house and did our own Foley recording session.
It’s very silly and we hope you enjoy it.
If you can’t see it here, check it out on
Category: Humor, Podcast, Video |
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September 30th, 2007 by pfischer
We are joined by the Swiss Family Nobilis to review and discuss Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki‘s anime masterpiece.
- Yusuf The Wonder Neighbor
- Calls you never want to get when you’re on the other side of the planet
- Our LOL Cats Contest ( link )
- High Fiber Cat
- PROMO: Asian Variations, a free download album
- PROMO: Christian Ellis‘ The Sounds of Awesome
- PROMO: Better Late Than Never Podcast
- We summarize the movie Princess Mononoke
- What’s the hero’s name?
- We talk about how the movie makes us feel and how awesome it is
- FarPoint Media’s big announcement (Special thanks to Summer Brooks, Mike Mennenga, and Jeffery Willerth for their hard work)
- MUSIC: Black Heart off Asian Variations by MoShang
Category: Anime, Family, FarPoint Media, Friends, Humor, Podcast, Review, sci-fi |
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September 24th, 2007 by pfischer
I need the Garageband filter to remove drunk women from this podcast.
Talking about our trip to Japan
Our house almost got broken into
Security theater at the airport
Strange dreams from Japanese Whiskey
The tribe parties down at Commandline’s house. Andrea made me some kickass allergen free pies. Pie rocks.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Humor, Podcast |
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August 21st, 2007 by pfischer
Lazy Show Notes
Marc and Heather from Grail Wolf’s Geek Life join us
We review a TV show we’ve never seen: Flash Gordon on Sci-Fi
Paul’s audio of Ming the Feckless, Tour Guide of Mongo
Marc and Heather bring booze and candy
PROMO: Weaver’s Web on
A real review of Neil Gaiman’s Stardust (the movie)
PROMO: Nobilis Erotica
PROMO: Singularity on
Welcome to the world, Baby Rossi! Congrats to Phil and Jen.
Marc and Heather’s plugs! Myspace: Shillas, Heather.Welliver, and Singing Gypsy Girl
Contest! Caption the Kitty, LOL Cats Style
Winners of the caption contest will receive a CD of Serve It Cold in PDF format and the first 5 epsiodes of the podiobook. Just add a comment to this post to enter the contest. The best 5 entries will be contacted by email in early Nov. Contest closes on Nov 1 at 12:01 am. Timezone in effect is the timezone of our server (wherever that is), leave a comment and check the time stamp.

Category: Friends, Humor, Podcast, Review |
August 10th, 2007 by pfischer
You Tube is taking to long to load. Click through to see the video.
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Category: Humor, Video |
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