Archive for the 'Music' Category
August 7th, 2008 by pfischer
The force of nature known as Tee Morris and the irrepressible Philippa “The Killer Librarian” Ballantine join us for their last and best Double Trouble interview. Martha and I interview Tee and Pip about writing, life, and all sorts of things.
- Beverage roundup
- Black Adder
- Quantum Leap
- Don’t mess with the librarians
- PROMO: Christiana’s Shallow Thoughts
- PROMO: I Should Be Writing
- Cataloging duels of librarians
- Fear the weeding policy
- Kitties!
- I AM Survivor Dad!
- “The dark goddess must dine on tears!”
- PROMO: Metamor City
- PROMO: Reality Break
- Tee Morris in a barrel
- Double Trouble (links galore)
- Free PDFs have over 50,000 downloads!
- Why haven’t they been Boing Boing‘d?
- Don’t whine Tee
- If you want me to post your PDFs you have to ask me
- If you’re going to buy, please do so on 8/8/08 on
- Getting voice parts for future podcasts of Digital Magic and Pitcher’s Pendant
- Tee and Pip talk about the plots of their upcoming books
- Pip and Tee trapped in the same body
- Erotica a la Carte
- Tee will be organizing live events at Balticon 43
- MUSIC: Girls, Skirts, Boots, Bikes by The Buck Brothers
Category: Author, Balticon 43, BeerCast, Book, Erotica, fantasy, FarPoint Media, Friends, Humor, Interview, Music, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
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December 9th, 2007 by pfischer
Paul, Martha, Tee, Heather, and Marc
Saint Fu (St. Fu)
Old computer games and beer – Bard’s Tail beer, Pong beer, Mech Warrior beer, 7th Son Beer, ADD Cast Beer
The Dogfish Head Alehouse end of year beer tasting
PROMO: Playing For Keeps
PROMO: Asian Variations, a free downloadable music CD
Fox, Futurama, Bender’s Big Score, Commitment, Avenue Q, Muppet sex, High School reunions, Heather’s new doo
Playing for Keeps from Mur Lafferty
Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon
Twitter – Tribe chat room, micro blog, and more
Scott Sigler hasn’t killed me yet!
JR Blackwell has gone indy! She’s quit her pink collar job and she doing some awesome photography.
We’re all just back from seeing Phil Rossi and his family
MUSIC: Black Motorcycle Boots, by Michelle Malone
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Music, Podcast |
August 21st, 2007 by pfischer
So Speaks Mark Forman!
Jean Marais (MoShang Zhao in SL) has released a new CD of remixes called Asian Variations for free via Creative Commons. We ask that you’d help by linking to Asian Variations on blogs, playing music from this on your podcasts and vlogs, interviewing Jean on your podcasts and just helping to promote in any creative way that you can think of. Thanks so much and enjoy this fine chill out selection. Jean’s email:
I’m listening to it right now. I’m into track three and this is just awesome!
Category: Freebie, Music |
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July 16th, 2007 by Martha
It was warm weather indoors at Jammin’ Java this past Wednesday night and the new stage made the venue seem a little more formal than in the past but neither slowed down the rockin’ Michelle Malone. The Michelle Malone Band pulled out all the stops to put on a smoking hot show.
And Paul and I had the very great pleasure of witnessing it all first hand.
Michelle’s music has been submitted this year for 2 Grammys: Best Contemporary Blues Album and Best Americana Album and it’s easy to see why. All you have to do is listen.
My word, that woman can sing! We were treated to some new old-fashioned blues rock songs that shook the paint off the walls, but, when the dust started coming off the rafters, Michelle scaled it back with an acoustic set that was just stunning.
But I shouldn’t slight her guitar work which was as much a pleasure to watch as to hear. Words fail me, folks.
If you ever have the chance to hear Michelle Malone live, do not let that chance slide by you. Reach out and grab it with both hands and hold on for the ride. It’s worth waiting for! But while you’re waiting you might as well be listening to some really good music. So, show Michelle some love. Jump over to her site and pick up her latest album, Sugarfoot, and maybe a few of her earlier ones too. You’ll be glad you did.
Category: Music |
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July 10th, 2007 by pfischer
Special Alert!!!!!
Michelle Malone’s concert at Jammin Java is tomorrow night, Wed 7/11!
Michelle has been submitted for the Grammy Awards and she is hoping that some of the DC area Grammy folks will be out to see the show. She needs you there to help pack the house.
Get stoked and come join us for the concert!
SONG: Traveling And Unraveling
Category: Music, News, Podcast |
1 Comment »
June 27th, 2007 by pfischer
Podcasting from Tee Morris‘s Bunker
Category: BeerCast, Geek, Humor, Music, Podcast, WineCast |
June 12th, 2007 by pfischer
Paul interviews inde blues-rock artist Michelle Malone
Michelle will be playing Jammin Java on July 11, 2007. Tickets Here!
Michelle’s music is featured on our new Podiobook Serve It Cold
Michelle’s experience with podcasters
Michelle’s views on Creative Commons
SONG: Tighten Up The Springs
What do her songs really mean? Personal interpretations vs what Michelle wrote it about
Michelle’s Schedule
Michelle’s music is available on CD BABY and
SONG: Winter Muscadine

Category: Interview, Music, Podcast |
1 Comment »
June 11th, 2007 by pfischer
Category: Balticon 41, Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Music |
May 13th, 2007 by pfischer
The biggest party yet! Piled into the studio are Mr. & Mrs. Phil Rossi (and in-utero Rossi), Marc and Heather, and Paul & Martha.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Geek, Humor, Music, Podcast, PodcasterCon2006 |
May 1st, 2007 by pfischer
This song is dedicated to the memory of podcast pioneer Joe Murphy. It’s only been a month, but we miss him so.
Please visit to find out more about Leiomyosarcoma and to help.
This song is:
Written and originally released by Jonathan Coulton
The brain child of Paul Fischer
Audio mix by Phil Rossi
The P-Cast Allstars are:
Heather Welliver
Phil Rossi
Martha Holloway
Debbie from Mesa
Barb Fischer
Bill Shunn
Rich Sigfrit (impressions)
Jared Axelrod
Tim Callender
Jack Mangan
Mathew Wayne Selznick
Command Line
Chuck Tomasi
If I missed anyone email me at and I’ll fix this. Or leave a comment here.
Category: Friends, Music |
April 30th, 2007 by pfischer
Big party in the studio today! Martha and Paul are joined by Tee Morris, Marc “Grailwolf” Bailey, and Heather.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Birds, Humor, Music, Podcast, Podcasting Equipment, WineCast |
April 28th, 2007 by pfischer
Our secret project for Jonathan Coulton’s First of May is in Release Candidate 1.
Phil Rossi is spending thousands of hours a day working on it.
We’ll have something for you to listen to soon!
Category: Music, News |
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April 15th, 2007 by pfischer
We are joined by Phil Rossi, Marc Bailey, and Heather Welliver.
Paul’s drinking Chaucer’s Raspberry wine.
Heather and Phil are drinking Dogfish Head Raison D’Etre
We’ve been singing about fucking all day. Secret Projekt “First of May” is revealed. Many people will be singing about fucking to bring you our secret project.
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Category: BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Music, Podcast, WineCast |
March 23rd, 2007 by pfischer
Paul and Storm,
Be on the lookout for toxins in your McNuggets. Maybe you won’t want to put that “Nugget Man” song on your next album.
Category: Friends, Music |
1 Comment »
March 17th, 2007 by pfischer
From Vienna, VA!
Jonathan Coulton and Paul and Storm at Jammin’ Java, Vienna, VA.
Thomas, The Command Line Podcast
Marc & Heather, GrailWolf Podcast
Hugh, Illudium Podcast
Beth, DancingCat Studios
Special treat coming soon: PDF file of a novel by someone you already know.
Man vs. Child – check it out! We make fun of Bear Grylls’ Man vs. Wild and survive! Tee Morris survives a day alone with his two-year-old daughter. Lions and tigers and toddlers! Oh my!
Support Lulu gives its content providers a better deal than any of the other video host sites.
This is what happens when Paul is off his meds—both for the interview and when he recorded the intro. You can tell, can’t you?
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Category: Music, Podcast |
February 14th, 2007 by pfischer
Category: Friends, Geek, Humor, Music, Podcast, WineCast |
1 Comment »
December 22nd, 2006 by pfischer
From High Atop The Brooklyn Bridge Marriott!
Category: Music, Podcast |
1 Comment »
November 4th, 2006 by Martha
Mellow and goofy conversation with Megan the Guy Magnet(TM)–The Niece
Surfing in the desert
Bipolar night at Jammin’ Java
Jonathan Coulton and The Coulton Maneuver
Dean Fields
Tonight’s musical interlude: bill with Sound Scientist
Drunken Killer Bunnies
Roller coasters that The Niece will NOT ride
and thanks, Hugh
Category: BeerCast, Family, Music, Podcast |
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August 10th, 2006 by pfischer
Interview with singer, song writer Jonathan Coulton.
Limited Show Notes
- Jonathan Coulton Interview
- Recorded in “The Famous Blue Prius” in the parking lot of Jammin’ Java
- Tempest will be playing at Jammin’ Java on Saturday August 12.
- More show notes later
Category: Music, Podcast |
1 Comment »