A.D.D. Cast

Adventures In The Attention Deficit Disorder Way Of Life

ADD Cast 044 – Eureka! The ADD Dancers in Studio

July 30th, 2007 by pfischer

The ADD Dancers are in the house!

  • Martha & Paul
  • Command Line and Andrea
  • The Pod Doctor, John Cmar

Drinkinging a moderate amount of liquor makes you smarter [link]

  • The season opener for Eureka!
  • Spoiler Alert, watch before you listen
  • Season 3 of Doctor Who

  • The economics and machinery of making world wide releases of DVDs
  • PROMO: Serve It Cold available at Dancing Cat Studios and Podiobooks.com
  • PROMO: Brave Men Run
  • Happy Birthday to Matthew Wayne Selznick
  • Videos: The Writer Stalking, This Day in Alternate History, and Zombies in the Workplace available at Lulu.tv
  • All hail the giant heads of Jason and Mur
  • Zombies!
  • Can’t talk about Zombies without talking about Patrick McLean
  • The oblique Leann wiener dog reference
  • When Rupert Murdock dies and angel will get its wings
  • No else saw Charlie Jade, if you haven’t seen it, download it and watch it! 100% geeky goodness
  • The evolution of the care package
  • How’s the chinese food in China? It’s full of penis
  • The obligatory Tee Morris reference
  • Oh! BTW, we’re talking about Cmar’s wife, Sci-Fi Laura
  • South of the Border! We love Pedro
  • The best use of an M-80 firecracker vs. shovel full of fire ant nest
  • Here comes the statute of limitations
  • Begging for nominations and votes: Darn! It’s too late.

This entry was posted on Monday, July 30th, 2007 at 5:06 pm and is filed under Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Podcast, WineCast. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 responses about “ADD Cast 044 – Eureka! The ADD Dancers in Studio”

  1. HellZiggy said:

    Hey guys,

    Listening to the ep while at work…

    Re: Torchwood. Y’all were wondering if Series 2 had started yet. It won’t be until early 2008. They were only just filming the first episode earlier this month. James Marsters (Spike on Buffy) will be in that episode! Series 1 will be airing in the US on BBC America starting in September.

    I’ve definitely got to hunt down Charlie Jade soon.


  2. Shaded Spriter said:

    The BBC is a government funded company – it is funded by what is called the TV Licence which is £50 or so a year from everyone who has a TV in their home. Because of this funding the BBC doesn’t have ANY adverts at all. (it has promos for other shows on different BBC channels but not adverts.)

    the BBC released DVDs a couple of weeks after the episodes on the DVD have come out (they usually release 3 (I think) per season of doctor who.)

    the BBC is going to be releasing a FREE on demand service called iPlayer.