ADD Cast Number 20 – TechnoTestostacast 5
April 4th, 2006 by pfischer
Paul Fischer & Mike Steward
Triple A is out sick
Our Big Politics Show
- If we agree it wouldn’t be any fun.
- Mike – Fiscally conservative, socially liberal atheist
- Paul – Fiscally conservative, nature loving, gun toting, Democrat
- Arm “good” people
- “Gun Control” seeks to take guns from average citizens
- Paul’s off on a rant about the Virginia concealed weapons permit history and process.
- There is a difference between getting all the info you need, and wasting people’s time.
- Gun sale issues.
- Paul invents a new word, jackhole.
- Table top gun dealers.
- Mike thinks it shady but it’s legal.
- Washington, D.C. used to be the murder capital of the USA, even though guns are illegal.
- The VA drivers license loophole.
- You can build a gun at home if you want.
- King Bush The Second – Threat or Menace.
- Let’s invade IRAN.
- Mike supports our invasion of Iraq.
- Paul’s big problem was Afghanistan.
- We never found Osama bin Laden. We’ve diverted the money needed to succeed in Afghanistan to Iraq. Now no one is paying attention to Afghanistan.
- Saddam wasn’t coming to the USA. He wasn’t supporting terrorists.
- Bush is not giving our Generals the troops they need to win in Iraq.
- PROMO: Balticon Podcast
- PROMO: Uplifter
- The National Debt
- Clinton left us with a cash surplus. Bush is spending irresponsibily.
- Clinton getting us into Somolia.
- Mike blames the Blackhawk Down
incident on Clinton.
- Mike hates Clinton.
- Paul, “Bush is giving tax cuts and contracts to his buddies.”
- Haliburton is robbing the citizens of the US.
- Mike is more worried about the money going to a foreign company.
- Bush’s buddies are the big corporations.
- Bush’s multi-trillion dollar debt.
- The real meaning of “Tax and Spend”. That’s how government works.
- Paul, “George Bush is not part of ‘The Good’.”
- If you’re going to pray, get off your ass and make an effort.
- Paul wants us to let the suicide bombers kill each other. He’ll pay.
- As much as we dislike Bush2, he is what we have.
- Paul wants your help! How can we get the Democrats back in the game? SEND EMAIL!
- MUD! And the slinging thereof.
- The smearing of John Kerry.
- The bottom line. Kerry went to Viet Nam. Bush didn’t.
- I’m not pro-Kerry, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was smeared.
Opening Music by Audrey Fischer
Music by 7 Seconds of Love, First Drink of the Day
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