September 28th, 2007 by pfischer
FarPoint Media Press Release
FarPoint Media/Podango Partnership
We, at FarPoint Media (, a leader in creating, producing and distributing quality audio entertainment, are happy to announce that Podango ( has become our partner with a multi-station deal that will allow this new media broadcast platform to host all of our FarPoint Media podcasts and future vidcasts.
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Category: FarPoint Media, News |
1 Comment »
September 27th, 2007 by pfischer
You need a nice older film camera. I know you do.
Click It. You know you want to.
Category: eBay |
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September 24th, 2007 by pfischer
I need the Garageband filter to remove drunk women from this podcast.
Talking about our trip to Japan
Our house almost got broken into
Security theater at the airport
Strange dreams from Japanese Whiskey
The tribe parties down at Commandline’s house. Andrea made me some kickass allergen free pies. Pie rocks.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Humor, Podcast |
Comments Off on ADD Cast 047 – Trashed and Trashing: Commandline’s House Party
September 21st, 2007 by pfischer
Please let me know if you get Ep 46 in the feed. Somehow I managed to hose the feed for the last month or so.
Category: Administration, Podcast |
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September 17th, 2007 by pfischer
I’m working on an idea for a video podcast. The premise is cooking food for bachelors to impress women with. I need some help beta testing this recipe. I’d like to know what people think of it. Please make this yourself and let me know what you think.
I want to film making it. But I want someone to verify that it tastes good to them.
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Category: Recipe |
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September 15th, 2007 by pfischer
We’re in the process of moving the site to a new server. We apologize if there is any inconvenience.
Category: Administration |
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September 1st, 2007 by pfischer
Best Novel: Rainbows End
by Vernor Vinge (Tor)
Best Novella: “A Billion Eves”
by Robert Reed
(Asimov’s October/November 2006)
Best Novelette: “The Djinn’s Wife”
by Ian McDonald (Asimov’s July 2006)
Best Short Story:
“Impossible Dreams” by Tim Pratt
(Asimov’s, July 2006)
Best Related Book:
James Tiptree, Jr.:
The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon
by Julie Phillips (St. Martin’s Press)
Best Dramatic Presentation,
Long Form: Pan’s Labyrinth
Best Dramatic Presentation,
Short Form: Doctor Who
“Girl in the Fireplace”
Best Editor, Long Form
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Best Editor, Short Form:
Gordon Van Gelder
Best Semiprozine
Locus edited by Charles N. Brown, Kirsten Gong-Wong, and Liza Groen Trombi
Best Fan Writer
Dave Langford
Best Professional Artist
Donato Giancola
Best Fanzine
Science-Fiction Five-Yearly
edited by Lee Hoffman, Geri Sullivan, and Randy Byers
Best Fan Artist
Frank Wu
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer of 2005 or 2006
Naomi Novik
Category: News, sci-fi |
Comments Off on Hugo Awards 2007
August 29th, 2007 by pfischer
Didn’t sleep much last night. The Uber suite at the China Trust near the Taiwan airport had rock hard beds. One large solid block of wood with a millimeter of foam on it. Flying into Narita was uneventful, and the train was long time to get to Yokohama.
First pass through Tokyo. No sign of Godzilla. He must be sleeping. I hope he shows up for the interview or I’m going to be really pissed. I didn’t come all this way not to get 5 minutes with the big man himself.
Got to the Intercontinental Grand Yokohama this afternoon. Wicked cool place. Massive. I think the restaurants are all 5 star gourmet or something. $100/person for a meal. We went a la cart to save a little money. I don’t mind paying for a good meal, but I couldn’t enjoy it as tired as I am.
Mur Lafferty’s ears are burning.
Had dinner in the Italian place. They were very accommodating to the fact that I can barely digest anything anymore. Great roast pork and veggies. Martha had a pizza. Great food, but very expensive. Thankfully snacks and drinks aren’t that outrageous.
Got Martha settled in the Newsletter staff room with Matsushita-san. Met some of the staff. Sean, who we met last year, is here and he’s translating again. He’s a life saver. I actually managed to translate some japanese into english for someone contributing to the news letters. But then there was nothing else to do, so I abandoned Martha and Matsushita-san in favor of a chat with Nobilis and sleep.
Need to hunt up some public domain footage and audio of Godzilla and the signing of the documents that ended WWII. Need background material for my interview with Big-G.
The Beast is being held captive by Japanese Customs. They want money. Hopefully I can get a translator to help me in the morning. I really need The Beast back on my shoulder.
Category: Friends, Geek, News, Travel |
Comments Off on WorldCon The Day Before
August 28th, 2007 by pfischer
We’re back in Taoyuan. Took the Bullet Train north. Wicked cool ride.
We had an awesome time with Mark Forman and his family. We owe him a lot.
Made up two quick videos in our spacious hotel suite.
Video 1 (6 MB)- My entry in the coolest 7th Son T-Shirt location ever
Video 2 (29 MB)- Our upgraded suite at the China Trust
More on Taichung, Forman, and stuff later this week as I have face time with the Mac to create. Until then, I’m counting the days until The Beast and I are reunited.
I forgot to mention in the video. This hotel room comes with it’s own fish!
[Editors Note – iTunes is pulling video 1, so I’m putting it in the feed so I can track it. I wanted to make it optional. ]
Category: Family, Friends, News, Travel, Video |
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August 25th, 2007 by pfischer
Journey to the Airport
The cab showed up 15 minutes early and I wasn’t able to have my normal fried egg breakfast. I rattled me so much that I forgot to grab my big camera. I didn’t realize until I got through security at National that I missed it. I am a seasoned traveler. I always use 3 bins when I go through the x-ray machine. This time I only needed two, which worried me, but I didn’t figure it out until I got to the other side.
I need to pay better attention to some things. I really do. Who goes on a birding trip and forgets their birding camera? Yours truly, that who.
As soon as I figured it out I jumped on the Coconut Telegraph and started beating the jungle drums. The tribe woke up on Tweeter and Skype and came to my rescue. Marc, a.k.a. Grailwolf, offered to pick the camera up from home and ship it to me in Asia. Marc is a brave man, and is now learning how far down the rabbit hole you go when engaging in international shipping.
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Category: Family, Friends, Travel |
Comments Off on Travel So Far
August 25th, 2007 by pfischer
Got the first photos online this morning before breakfast. I’ll try to get more online later. But, WTF, I’m on vacation. You’ll get the photos I give you like it. I’m not stressing anymore!
Flickr Link
Category: Family, Friends, Photos |
Comments Off on First photos from Taiwan
August 22nd, 2007 by pfischer
If you’re going to D*C, please give blood. It’s always in short supply, and you’ll save money. With less blood in you, you’ll get drunk quicker, and therefore need to buy less booze. Hence, you save money! 🙂
Seriously, it only comes from one place. Give it up.
[File Removed… Event Over]
Category: News, Podcast |
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August 21st, 2007 by pfischer
So Speaks Mark Forman!
Jean Marais (MoShang Zhao in SL) has released a new CD of remixes called Asian Variations for free via Creative Commons. We ask that you’d help by linking to Asian Variations on blogs, playing music from this on your podcasts and vlogs, interviewing Jean on your podcasts and just helping to promote in any creative way that you can think of. Thanks so much and enjoy this fine chill out selection. Jean’s email:
I’m listening to it right now. I’m into track three and this is just awesome!
Category: Freebie, Music |
Comments Off on MoShang releases free Internet Album
August 21st, 2007 by pfischer
Lazy Show Notes
Marc and Heather from Grail Wolf’s Geek Life join us
We review a TV show we’ve never seen: Flash Gordon on Sci-Fi
Paul’s audio of Ming the Feckless, Tour Guide of Mongo
Marc and Heather bring booze and candy
PROMO: Weaver’s Web on
A real review of Neil Gaiman’s Stardust (the movie)
PROMO: Nobilis Erotica
PROMO: Singularity on
Welcome to the world, Baby Rossi! Congrats to Phil and Jen.
Marc and Heather’s plugs! Myspace: Shillas, Heather.Welliver, and Singing Gypsy Girl
Contest! Caption the Kitty, LOL Cats Style
Winners of the caption contest will receive a CD of Serve It Cold in PDF format and the first 5 epsiodes of the podiobook. Just add a comment to this post to enter the contest. The best 5 entries will be contacted by email in early Nov. Contest closes on Nov 1 at 12:01 am. Timezone in effect is the timezone of our server (wherever that is), leave a comment and check the time stamp.

Category: Friends, Humor, Podcast, Review |
August 10th, 2007 by pfischer
You Tube is taking to long to load. Click through to see the video.
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Category: Humor, Video |
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August 8th, 2007 by pfischer
Nobilis and Family join us: Nobilis, Dee, Anita & William
Martha and Paul are your usual hosts
Transformer’s movie review
Lazy show notes
Lots of laughs from right field.
Category: Friends, Podcast |
Comments Off on ADD Cast 045 – Transformer’s Movie Review w/The Swiss Family Nobilis
July 30th, 2007 by pfischer
The ADD Dancers are in the house!
- Martha & Paul
- Command Line and Andrea
- The Pod Doctor, John Cmar
Drinkinging a moderate amount of liquor makes you smarter [link]
- The season opener for Eureka!
- Spoiler Alert, watch before you listen
- Season 3 of Doctor Who
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Category: Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Podcast, WineCast |
July 26th, 2007 by pfischer
I’ve always wanted to be the power behind genius. And now I am! Read about it here!
Category: News |
Comments Off on It’s all about ME!
July 21st, 2007 by pfischer
Party in the studio with The Morris Family, Mr. & Mrs. Commanline, Cmarrrrrrrr!, and of course Paul & Martha
Nat’s trip to France
Tee keeps pointing at the ceiling
Serena licks the pop filter. I wonder how it tastes
France Telecom spares no expense. Really. They don’t spend much.
Nat’s flight to France
Mrs. Pillows
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Category: Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Podcast |
Comments Off on ADD Cast 043 – Pop Up Tee Morris and The Nat Sat
July 16th, 2007 by Martha
It was warm weather indoors at Jammin’ Java this past Wednesday night and the new stage made the venue seem a little more formal than in the past but neither slowed down the rockin’ Michelle Malone. The Michelle Malone Band pulled out all the stops to put on a smoking hot show.
And Paul and I had the very great pleasure of witnessing it all first hand.
Michelle’s music has been submitted this year for 2 Grammys: Best Contemporary Blues Album and Best Americana Album and it’s easy to see why. All you have to do is listen.
My word, that woman can sing! We were treated to some new old-fashioned blues rock songs that shook the paint off the walls, but, when the dust started coming off the rafters, Michelle scaled it back with an acoustic set that was just stunning.
But I shouldn’t slight her guitar work which was as much a pleasure to watch as to hear. Words fail me, folks.
If you ever have the chance to hear Michelle Malone live, do not let that chance slide by you. Reach out and grab it with both hands and hold on for the ride. It’s worth waiting for! But while you’re waiting you might as well be listening to some really good music. So, show Michelle some love. Jump over to her site and pick up her latest album, Sugarfoot, and maybe a few of her earlier ones too. You’ll be glad you did.
Category: Music |
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