March 29th, 2008 by pfischer
<The free download period has expired. Get your copy of Scott Sigler’s Infected on line or at your local bookstore. Thank you!>
We did it before and we are doing it again.
Scott Sigler’s new print version of Infected gets released on April 1st, 2008. Over the next few days, his publisher has allowed him to give away copies of the PDF version of the book for free.
We are helping him do just that.
For more information on Scott and Infected, visit
If you want share the file with friends, get them to download it from this page or from:
By getting the file from that link, it’s proving to the big publishers that we podcasters have a clue about what we are doing.
This file will only be active for a few days, at which time the link will become inactive and you’ll have to go to the bookstore to read the story. Which you should do anyway.
Category: Freebie, Podcast, sci-fi |
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February 10th, 2008 by pfischer
Part 2 – Dr. Michael Shermer reads from and talks about his new book The Mind of the Market: Compassionate Apes, Competitive Humans and Other Tales from Evolutionary Economics. Mr. Shermer discuss’ how economic and evolutionary theory speak the same language, and how our hardwired human biology affects modern economics. Those of you familiar with the Skeptics movement may know Mr. Shermer as a founder of the Skeptics Society, a frequent guest on
Skepticality, and the author of other non-fiction works including:
Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design,
Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time, and
Science Friction: Where the Known Meets the Unknown as well as many more titles.This Podcast recorded live at the National Science Foundation at an event hosted by the
National Capitol Area Skeptics (NCAS).
Dr. Shermer’s Books Available at
Evolution by Nick Murray (,
Website )
Metamor City
Promo: The Commandline
Category: Author Reading, Balticon 41, Podcast, Science, Skeptic |
Comments Off on ADD Cast 056 – Dr. Michael Shermer Part 2
February 2nd, 2008 by pfischer
Dr. Michael Shermer reads from and talks about his new book The Mind of the Market: Compassionate Apes, Competitive Humans and Other Tales from Evolutionary Economics. Mr. Shermer discuss’ how economic and evolutionary theory speak the same language, and how our hardwired human biology affects modern economics. Those of you familiar with the Skeptics movement may know Mr. Shermer as a founder of the Skeptics Society, a frequent guest on
Skepticality, and the author of other non-fiction works including:
Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design,
Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time, and
Science Friction: Where the Known Meets the Unknown as well as many more titles.This Podcast recorded live at the National Science Foundation at an event hosted by the
National Capitol Area Skeptics (NCAS).
Dr. Shermer’s Books Available at
Music: Think For Yourself by George Hrab ( music, podcast, concerts in your home, Balticon )
Promo: Morevi Remastered
Promo: Stranger Things
Category: Author Reading, Podcast, Science, Skeptic |
1 Comment »
January 23rd, 2008 by pfischer
I shot a few off hand videos during the awesome New Year’s Party at Cmdln and Andrea’s house. It is our pleasure to give you the song styling of Heather Welliver and Tee Morris.
Tee Morris does an improv version of Dennis Leary’s Asshole song.
Heather Welliver sings. We’re glad someone in this group has a real voice.
Category: Friends, Humor, Video |
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January 21st, 2008 by pfischer
We review the new J.J. Abrams movie, Cloverfield.
Spoiler free and Spoiler laden reviews.
PROMO: Fear the Froot
Category: BeerCast, Friends, Geek, Humor, Movie, Podcast, Review, sci-fi, Wine |
1 Comment »
January 14th, 2008 by pfischer
Greetings All,
We have a pile of stuff we just put on eBay. Please help us out by taking a look, maybe we have something you need, and you know it’s coming from someone you can trust.
The items for sale are:
- Apple iMac 20″ G5 1.8 GHz
- Apple iBook 14″ G4 1.42 GHz
- Apple Powerbook15″ G4 1.5 GHz
- Apple 1GB DDR2 SDRAM
- Apple 2x 1GB DDR2 SDRAM
- Apple 2x 512 MB DDR2 SDRAM
- Radio Systems TI-101 Telphone Audio Interface – great for podcast interview or a conferencing setup
Thanks for your interest. Email us through eBay if you have questions.
Category: eBay, News |
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January 3rd, 2008 by pfischer
Martha & Paul, Heather & Marc
Xmas wrapup
Jared Axelrod’s Avante-Garde Dinner
Slice of Soup
Cocktail of Pot Roast with Cranberry sauce
Recovering from the cookie disaster
Marc and Heather’s Xmas
PROMO: Nocturnal by Scott Sigler
PROMO: Better Late Than Never
Read the rest of this entry »
Category: Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast, Review, sci-fi |
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December 18th, 2007 by pfischer
Our Last word on NaNoWriMo.
Interview with Joe Mieczkowski
Story segment from Joe Mieczkowski
Story Segment from Jayanth “Jay” Paraki, his movie, his bio
Commentary from Tracy Hickman
PROMO: I Should Be Writing
PROMO: Killer Breakfast
PROMO: Playing for Keeps
MUSIC: Write About Me, by Jeff Coffey
Category: Interview, News, Podcast |
Comments Off on ADD Cast 052 – NaNoWriMo Fin
December 17th, 2007 by pfischer
In addition to offering its listeners their regular story for the month of
December, Variant Frequencies has prepared a special holiday surprise for
fans of the two-time Parsec-nominated FAILED CITIES MONOLOGUES, as well as
all those who’ve supported the podcast in the past year. We are proud to
present THE FAILED CITIES: HATH A DARKNESS, an exclusive 10,000-word
eChapbook written by Matt Wallace and produced by Variant Frequencies.
Read the rest of this entry »
Category: Friends, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
December 9th, 2007 by pfischer
Paul, Martha, Tee, Heather, and Marc
Saint Fu (St. Fu)
Old computer games and beer – Bard’s Tail beer, Pong beer, Mech Warrior beer, 7th Son Beer, ADD Cast Beer
The Dogfish Head Alehouse end of year beer tasting
PROMO: Playing For Keeps
PROMO: Asian Variations, a free downloadable music CD
Fox, Futurama, Bender’s Big Score, Commitment, Avenue Q, Muppet sex, High School reunions, Heather’s new doo
Playing for Keeps from Mur Lafferty
Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon
Twitter – Tribe chat room, micro blog, and more
Scott Sigler hasn’t killed me yet!
JR Blackwell has gone indy! She’s quit her pink collar job and she doing some awesome photography.
We’re all just back from seeing Phil Rossi and his family
MUSIC: Black Motorcycle Boots, by Michelle Malone
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Music, Podcast |
November 13th, 2007 by pfischer
I have just put my old Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR camera up for sale on eBay. It works great. I have posted some pictures on Flickr that my sister-in-law took with it last weekend. If you’re in the market for a digital SLR from someone you know and trust, look no further.
Category: Digital Cameras, eBay, Gear, News, Photos |
Comments Off on Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR + Lens and Extras for Sale
November 13th, 2007 by pfischer
Our star packed NaNoWriMo ( National Novel Writing Month ) and NaDruWriNi ( National Drunk Writing Night ) episode. Guest stars Tracy Hickman and Nuri Steinhauer.
Category: FarPoint Media, Humor, Interview, Podcast, Wine, WineCast |
1 Comment »
November 12th, 2007 by pfischer
Another great video from your friends at the ADD Cast.
When night falls, the monster under the bed comes out to eat your toes. But what could possibly cause that monster to want to change jobs? Who is the real monster under the bed?
Watch it on!
Category: Humor, News, Video |
1 Comment »
November 5th, 2007 by pfischer
Lulu TV‘s hit Internet show, This Day in Alternate History (TDAH pronounced Ta-Dah!), was guest hosted on Sunday Nov 4 by your favorite podcast hosts Paul Fischer and Martha Holloway.
In this episode of TDAH, we report from the World Science Fiction Convention in Yokohama, Japan. If you’re a Godzilla fan, you can’t afford to miss this one. Great Godzilla questions will be answered, such as what kind of women he like, his favorite recreation, why he really stomps Tokyo, and who is true love is.
Watch it here!
TDAH is up for The Best Video Blog of 2007. Please vote to help our friends at TDAH continue their rise to fame and fortune.
Category: Humor, Interview, News, sci-fi, Video |
1 Comment »
November 1st, 2007 by pfischer
In solidarity with our NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) peers, we will be podcasting at 9pm on Friday Nov 2, 2007. This is for the <a href=””>ADDCast</a>.
We are twisted and incapable of being serious about it. We’ll be bringing on people who are drunk and attempting to write anything. This pandemonium will take place over a Skype call, through the magic of the Interweb.
Contact Paul at <a href=””></a> to sign up for the event. Put “NaDruWriNi” (National Drunk Writing Night) in the subject line.
Category: Events, News |
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October 17th, 2007 by pfischer
Mark Nov 4 on your calendar. We will be writing, drinking, and podcasting for National Drunk Writing Night. If you want to join in on the fun you just need to write and leave comments at the link below. If you want to join us on the podcast, leave a comment here. You must have Skype in order to participate on the podcast.
Category: Events, News |
1 Comment »
October 15th, 2007 by pfischer
We needed the sounds of 4 dogs running and barking for Episode 18 of Serve It Cold. But couldn’t find anything like it in our sound effects libraries.
So we setup our recording gear at Cmdln’s house and did our own Foley recording session.
It’s very silly and we hope you enjoy it.
If you can’t see it here, check it out on
Category: Humor, Podcast, Video |
Comments Off on ADD Cast 049 – Video: Fergus’ Foley Follies With Collies
October 12th, 2007 by pfischer

Click here to play the NOCTURNAL promo
Junkies – it’s time for a new novel. Not a short story, not a “novella,” but a full-blown, balls-out, tits-swingin’ novel that will have you crying like a little punk every Sunday when the episode finishes. NOCTURNAL is that novel.
And on top of that, I’m running a contest where YOUR NAME can be the name of a victim in NOCTURNAL. All you need to do is go to the brand-new and register a full profile. Go there, then look on the left-hand side. See where you’d log in? Create a profile. FILL IN ALL THE FIELDS to win! If you don’t want to fill them in, no worries, but only complete profiles are eligible to get ‘dat ass killed and be immortalized in the pages of NOCTURNAL when it’s printed in 2010.
Category: Friends, News, Podcast, sci-fi |
Comments Off on Scott Sigler’s NOCTURNAL launches midnight on Halloween
October 7th, 2007 by pfischer
Amanda Congdon video blogged in front of Martha’s image of Lake Akan, Hokkaido, Japan.
This is Awesome! Thanks Amanda for choosing our photo!
-Paul & Martha
Category: Family, Geek, News, Photos, Video |
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September 30th, 2007 by pfischer
We are joined by the Swiss Family Nobilis to review and discuss Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki‘s anime masterpiece.
- Yusuf The Wonder Neighbor
- Calls you never want to get when you’re on the other side of the planet
- Our LOL Cats Contest ( link )
- High Fiber Cat
- PROMO: Asian Variations, a free download album
- PROMO: Christian Ellis‘ The Sounds of Awesome
- PROMO: Better Late Than Never Podcast
- We summarize the movie Princess Mononoke
- What’s the hero’s name?
- We talk about how the movie makes us feel and how awesome it is
- FarPoint Media’s big announcement (Special thanks to Summer Brooks, Mike Mennenga, and Jeffery Willerth for their hard work)
- MUSIC: Black Heart off Asian Variations by MoShang
Category: Anime, Family, FarPoint Media, Friends, Humor, Podcast, Review, sci-fi |
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