July 10th, 2007 by pfischer
Special Alert!!!!!
Michelle Malone’s concert at Jammin Java is tomorrow night, Wed 7/11!
Michelle has been submitted for the Grammy Awards and she is hoping that some of the DC area Grammy folks will be out to see the show. She needs you there to help pack the house.
Get stoked and come join us for the concert!
SONG: Traveling And Unraveling
Category: Music, News, Podcast |
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June 27th, 2007 by pfischer
Podcasting from Tee Morris‘s Bunker
Category: BeerCast, Geek, Humor, Music, Podcast, WineCast |
June 12th, 2007 by pfischer
Paul interviews inde blues-rock artist Michelle Malone
Michelle will be playing Jammin Java on July 11, 2007. Tickets Here!
Michelle’s music is featured on our new Podiobook Serve It Cold
Michelle’s experience with podcasters
Michelle’s views on Creative Commons
SONG: Tighten Up The Springs
What do her songs really mean? Personal interpretations vs what Michelle wrote it about
Michelle’s Schedule
Michelle’s music is available on CD BABY and Amazon.com
SONG: Winter Muscadine

Category: Interview, Music, Podcast |
1 Comment »
June 11th, 2007 by pfischer
Category: Balticon 41, Beer, BeerCast, Friends, Music |
June 8th, 2007 by pfischer
The email said it was only good for 6/7, but it worked for me at 10:50 am.
Category: News |
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June 8th, 2007 by pfischer
Work has gotten hairy and I won’t be able to shave it for at least another week. I know I owe lots of people lots of things, but it ain’t happening for at least another 7 x 24.
Category: Administration, News |
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June 3rd, 2007 by pfischer
Category: Balticon 41, BeerCast, Podcast |
May 13th, 2007 by pfischer
The biggest party yet! Piled into the studio are Mr. & Mrs. Phil Rossi (and in-utero Rossi), Marc and Heather, and Paul & Martha.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Geek, Humor, Music, Podcast, PodcasterCon2006 |
May 1st, 2007 by pfischer
This song is dedicated to the memory of podcast pioneer Joe Murphy. It’s only been a month, but we miss him so.
Please visit http://www.joemurphymemorialfund.com/ to find out more about Leiomyosarcoma and to help.
This song is:
Written and originally released by Jonathan Coulton
The brain child of Paul Fischer
Audio mix by Phil Rossi
The P-Cast Allstars are:
Heather Welliver
Phil Rossi
Martha Holloway
Debbie from Mesa
Barb Fischer
Bill Shunn
Rich Sigfrit (impressions)
Jared Axelrod
Tim Callender
Jack Mangan
Mathew Wayne Selznick
Command Line
Chuck Tomasi
If I missed anyone email me at addcast@gmail.com and I’ll fix this. Or leave a comment here.
Category: Friends, Music |
April 30th, 2007 by pfischer
Big party in the studio today! Martha and Paul are joined by Tee Morris, Marc “Grailwolf” Bailey, and Heather.
Category: Beer, BeerCast, Birds, Humor, Music, Podcast, Podcasting Equipment, WineCast |
April 28th, 2007 by pfischer
I’m trying to get Podpress 100% functional.
Please bear with me.
But if you click you’ll get a pretty picture
Category: Podcast |
Comments Off on Enclosure test
April 28th, 2007 by pfischer
Our secret project for Jonathan Coulton’s First of May is in Release Candidate 1.
Phil Rossi is spending thousands of hours a day working on it.
We’ll have something for you to listen to soon!
Category: Music, News |
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April 19th, 2007 by pfischer
Check out his update here.
Category: News |
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April 15th, 2007 by pfischer
We are joined by Phil Rossi, Marc Bailey, and Heather Welliver.
Paul’s drinking Chaucer’s Raspberry wine.
Heather and Phil are drinking Dogfish Head Raison D’Etre
We’ve been singing about fucking all day. Secret Projekt “First of May” is revealed. Many people will be singing about fucking to bring you our secret project.
Read the rest of this entry »
Category: BeerCast, Friends, Humor, Music, Podcast, WineCast |
April 13th, 2007 by pfischer
Watch it on Lulu TV!
Or Watch it on YouTube!
Category: Humor |
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April 4th, 2007 by pfischer
Sorry I can’t add my own voice to this. I’m off mic right now. Bronchitis has me in coughing fits and I just can’t talk long without making a mess of things. Instead I’m sending you this tribute to Joe Murphy. If you don’t know Joe, take a listen and you’ll learn why we’re all missing him. Even those of us who hardly knew him.
A tribute to Joe hosted by Michael, Evo, Mur, Charlie the Beer Guy, Chris the Wingin’ It Chef, Debbie from East Mesa, Brian, Tim, Sheila, and Lorrie, featuring clips from “Wingin’ It” episodes gone by.
Raise a root beer in memory of Randy Innuendo.
Song: “Mason Rocket” by Beatnik Turtle
Category: Friends, Geek, Podcast |
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April 4th, 2007 by pfischer
Joe Murphy succumbed to leiomyosarcoma on April 1, 2007. The irony of this is not lost on any who knew him and laughed with him.
Joe was born and raised in Peoria, Illinois. He was practically weaned on science fiction, watching reruns of the original Star Trek and Lost in Space with his mother.
After high school, Joe went to college and jumped around from studying computer science, to education for the hearing impaired, to finally landing on a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology at Illinois State University. Three years later, he earned with his Master’s in Audiology from Western Illinois University.
Science fiction and (especially) fantasy have always been a part of Joe’s life, whether in movies, TV, or books. After writing a review of Lisa Lee’s and Tee Morris’s Morevi on the original Dragon Page forum, Michael and Evo made Joe the “official” book reviewer for The Dragon Page Radio Talk Show. Later, after moving to Arizona, he became a frequent contributor to Cover to Cover, Wingin’ It, Slice of SciFi and co-host of Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas.
He will be missed.
If you’d like to help increase awareness about this cancer, an aggressive strain that’s also resistant to both radiation and chemo treatments, please visit The Joe Murphy Memorial Fund, a non-profit charity dedicated to help in the fight against Leiomyosarcoma.

image by Cheyenne Wright
Category: Friends, Geek, Podcast |
Comments Off on Joe Murphy – 1972-2007
March 24th, 2007 by pfischer
From Imagine That Studios!
Category: BeerCast, Friends, Geek, Humor, Podcast |
March 23rd, 2007 by pfischer
Paul and Storm,
Be on the lookout for toxins in your McNuggets. Maybe you won’t want to put that “Nugget Man” song on your next album.
Category: Friends, Music |
1 Comment »
March 19th, 2007 by pfischer
What’s this? Something free from our friend Scott Sigler? Can it be true?
Most certainly, it’s 100% true.
Podiobook author, and friend of the show, Scott Sigler is giving away his print novel Ancestor. It is free to download now. Just click on the picture below. We’ve all thrilled to Scott’s podiobook novels, Earthcore, Ancestor, Infection, and The Rookie. Now you get to have this one for free.
All Scott asks, is that if you like the book, you buy it. He’s taking a cue from author and free culture advocate Cory Doctorow and hoping when more people read the book more people will buy it.
Ancestor is going on sale April 1. Scott wants everyone to jump on Amazon.com at Noon Pacific time and order their copy. He’s hoping to make it to Amazon’s #1 book, if everyone buys at once.
Click on the picture below and read Ancestor at home.

Category: Friends, Geek |
1 Comment »